Saturday, 9 November 2013

Analysing Music Videos: In These Arms - The Swell Season

Artist: The Swell Season "In These Arms"
Genre: Folk/Acoustic/Pop
Director of Music Video: Unknown
Category: Concept/Performance

My Interpretation

Chronological Analysis

  • Shot of a hand turning on an analogue player of some sort. At the precise moment the hand turns the music begins.
  • The video is mainly shot in Black and White. A technique not uncommon to this kind of genre of music. Many "artsy" (I don't mean this in a pretentious way) music videos employ the use of Black & White often to portray the seriousness of their music/song and set a profound tone to their video. Some artists have used this to greater effect in their videos than others and have successfully managed to encapsulate the feel of the song whilst enhancing the appeal. Meanwhile other artists seem to have used this as a shortcut to grasping the audience's heart strings and used the cliché in the wrong fashion. This music video does come across as artistic but in a way fits the genre and artists and isn't over done- it's very subtle. In some cases (as this one) you could argue also the low-budget artistic look of the video brings the viewer into a closer realtionship with the music and the visuals. Sometimes when an audience is observing something glamourous and far-fetched, yes it can appear as visually pleasing and stimulaing, however the relationship with the music isn't as emotional because the line dividing reality and the "hollywood" world hasn't merged. 

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